Thursday, April 12, 2012

4-4-2012 Beaches (and people who get me to go)

Today we went to the beach for a short visit.  My youngest wanted to go.  The older one not so much.  I myself am not a beach initiator but am always glad once we go.  It was a short drive (and a surprisingly easy one) from the hotel to Miami Beach.  Found a beach access spot and random and parking was easy.  It was still early out and although warm, not yet hot.

I didn't have towels, but we did have our swimsuits at least (although I was happy to just get my feet in the water)

Seeing the beach-goers, hearing the surf, and feeling the sand beneath your feet, but most of all seeing your soon enjoying the beach and making some memories. 

I'm grateful for the beach and the people who get me to go.

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